Who cares what games we choose? Little to win but nothing to lose.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Pictures and Updates

Dear devoted readers (?),

I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again. I can't guarantee a ton of updates here. I don't have any way to do so from the trail, no PocketMail or fancy iPhone, and will be depending on town stops, hostel stays, and whatever random internet access I might come across. I enjoy writing, and enjoy sharing my adventures with "the folks back home," and will make an effort.

But the PCT is much more of a wilderness trail than the AT was. There are fewer towns, and many of them are much farther away from the trail than AT trail-towns, making it a much more serious thing to decide to hop into town for this or that. Still, a man needs to eat, and I'll likely be in a resupply area once a week or so. If there's internet to be had, I'll try to do so, though many such resupply locations aren't really in towns, but are camp stores, country stores, and the like. Oregon and Washington particularly are farther in the back-country, with resupply at mountain resorts and such, rather than towns.

I'll try, but not at the expense of the flow of the hike.

Lastly, don't count on tons of photos. I don't know that I'll be able to add any at all, unless I decide to take my USB cable/card reader. It's extra weight (every bit counts) and I don't know if it's worth it. It'd be fun to entertain you with photos of what I know will be stunning scenery and awesome people, but I just don't know. May stop by Best Buy to see if I can find one with less cable (thus less weight). The one I have has a 4 ft or so cable, which is ridiculous. And I'm already carrying a phone, phone charger, camera charger, and an MP3 player, which is already excessive in my mind.

I may be able to load photos onto a CD at drugstores, and thus provide occasional photo posts, which at the moment seems a better option to me, though I'm not sure how feasible it actually will be. But know that I have you all in mind, and will try to provide the eye candy I know you so greatly desire.

Respectfully yours,


EDIT: I ended up buying a cordless USB adapter, so that's one step closer to you getting pictures to look at. Another issue might be time limits at the library. But, we'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Great reading your blog. I found you through Guthook's blog, he and I are hiking together in Maine this week, getting ready for Vermont. I thru-hiked the PCT last season. Feel free to call up on me if I can be of any assistance on your own hike. I am headed to Trail Daze soon.
    Uncle Tom
