Who cares what games we choose? Little to win but nothing to lose.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pictures: Idyllwild to Agua Dulce

Finally another picture update! I know you've all been waiting on the edge of your collective seat. It's always hard to choose which to post, but I hope this continues to give you a taste of the flavor of the PCT.

Also, a quick note on comments. I don't always respond to them, but I always read and appreciate them. Usually it's just because I have limited time to post/use the internet, either at a library, or at a hostel where other hikers are waiting to get online.

A triumphant Moccasin at the summit of a snowy Mt. San Jacinto.

Some other folks hanging out on San Jacinto.
That's Pepe Lopez on the left, and probably Sport on the right.

"oooh... ahhh..."

Mesa Wind Farm. Kind of a weird-sound-filled night sleeping here.
Wicked windy too, go figure.
Sacred Datura. If we eat the root, we can just hallucinate that we
hiked the trail and save ourselves a lot of effort.

Headline: Hiker soaks feet in the Whitewater Preserve pool,
kills fish downstream.

Hey guys, remember that time we had to cross Mission Creek?
No no, not that time, I mean the 15th time.

But why do they sniff the trees?
Because they smell like vanilla, dammit.

San Gorgonio Mountain

Setting up camp beside Deep Creek, which runs a few feet
off the right side of the photo

A little bit o' trail surgery.
The crew fording Deep Creek

The mountains gather shadows towards evening

Enjoying the benefits of a ridgeline campsite
"May your mountains rise into...
...and above the clouds."

Ooooh... my colon is going to hate me later. But gorging at McDonalds
was, in the end, everything I'd hoped it could be.

1,500 year old juniper near the top of Mt. Baden-Powell,
or as I like to call it, Mt. Baddy-P

View from ol' Baddy P. We could see all the way back
to Mt San Jacinto, way in the background to the left.

Drop and Roll crosses a snowfield, one of many that day.

One of the dreaded roadwalks.

Need I say more?

The best a pasty Irish boy like me can hope for is a dirt tan.

Maybe the most sublime 5 minutes of my life so far.

Towards the end of our 29 mile day, and the beauty never ends.
I love evening hiking.

Cool landscapes as we near Agua Dulce

Mousetrap tickles the ivories while Roadrunner serenades us
at Hiker Heaven, in Agua Dulce.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, my legs and feet feel sore just from looking at all the wonderful photos! :)
